EuroCyberSec 2024


October 23, 2024, Krakow, Poland

Program Committee:
  • Erol Gelenbe (Chair, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, PAS)
  • Krzysztof Grochla (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, PAS)
  • Valeria Loscri (Centre Inria de l’Université de Lille)
  • Anna Marton (Safepay Systems)
  • Andras Vilmos (Safepay Systems)

The highly successful EuroCybersec2018 Workshop was Co-Sponsored by the Horizon SerIoT Project, and resulted in 145,000 accesses to its Springer proceedings. Similarly the EuroCybersec2021 Workshop was co-sponsored by the Horizon IoTAC project, and by now its Proceedings have received 28,000 accesses.

We are organizing the EuroCyberSec2024 Workshop, to be held on 23 October 2024 in Krakow, Poland, that will be co-located with the annual MASCOTS 2024 conference.

The workshop is co-sponsored by:

  • COST Action CA22104 – Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security (BEiNG-WISE)

The meeting will be held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Krakow, Poland.

The EuroCyberSec2024 Workshop will consider all relevant paper and presentation submissions through its EasyChair web site. In addition we welcome submissions from colleagues from the DOSS Project, the BEiNG-WISE COST Action, and from other current and previous EU cybersecurity projects, as well as the research community at large. The Workshop will focus on research and innovations in Cybersecurity, and submissions be evaluated for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings.

Deadline for submissions is August 15, 2024. Notification of Acceptance: September 20, 2024

Two types of submissions are solicited:

1. Original unpublished papers in Springer Lecture Notes CCIS format
not exceeding 12 pages including figures and references. They should be in pdf, attached to an email stating that it is a submission for this workshop, and uploaded to EasyChair, selecting the EuroCyberSec track.

2. Work in progress presentations (One page summary in Calibri 11pt style, plus no more than 10 ppt slides) They should be attached in pdf format to an email stating that this is a submission for this workshop, and and uploaded to EasyChair, selecting the EuroCyberSec track.

Submissions will be evaluated by the organizing committee and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by September 20, 2024.